"She wasn't sure what it was...whether it was the elegance of their figures, or the grace of their movements, or the power of their limbs. Perhaps it was the flexing of their paws as they walked or the bobbing of their tails or the way their manes flowed over their necks. She wasn't sure what it was...Maybe it was those golden eyes and the intensity with which their gazes met...She couldn't describe it. But whatever it was, it drove her to this life and she could not resist it...
My final project for my Figure Drawing class. Props to my three awesome friends/models who were willing to climb all over Rock Canyon Park like wild animals for me. I don't know that many people have friends who'd be willing to do that for the sake of art.
(Prismacolor pencil on "camel" Ingre paper - 30 hours...over 4 days. So not healthy.)"